A voice at the table: Building on PfR’s legacy of Community Engagement

Abstract: Building on experience in community-based risk reduction work, PfR has increasingly focused on inclusive stakeholder engagement. Through targeted capacity building, strategizing and dialogues we aim to ensure that their actions at all levels are risk-informed and based on the needs of communities, particularly including vulnerable and marginalized populations. Through our engagement we work to ensure that the voices of communities are heard and taken into account at the decision tables. This session will focus on how we can bring this added value indeed to the table and in what form? How can we apply these lessons learned for future positioning? What can help you and your organization to lobby and advocate to become a partner in these trajectories? How can a sustainable relationship be established between such and communities within future development trajectories? Furthermore, this session will take several practical examples as starting point for a discussion about critical success factors. Through self-reflection, but especially through outside views, we will try to identify what situational and institutional challenges are inherent to our approach, and to what extent other programmes apply the same rationale.  Examples will be Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan, and external speakers will be invited to reflect, together with the PfR audience, on the added value and limitations of community engagement and civil society participation in major development programmes.


  • Sandra Cats, Unit Lead Programme Management and Programme Manager Partners for Resilience for Netherlands Red Cross
  • Anat Prag, Country Director Philippines for Cordaid
  • Joey de Hamer, Programme Officer Partners for Resilience for Netherlands Red Cross

Time Slot: 16:30 - 17:45 CET

Language: English

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