
  • PfR's newsletter: together for a greener, more inclusive and climate resilient post-COVID world

    14/07/2020 - This third PfR newsletter comes in the midst of challenging times. For several months now the world has been dealing with one of the worst crises of our times - and one which severely impacts the poorest and most vulnerable. In this newsletter, we will show you the relevance of our work in the most vulnerable communities.
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  • PODCAST #1 Every day counts during COVID-19

    09/07/2020 - In this new Podcast we like to draw your attention to the voice of ordinary people in various communities around the world: from Philippines to Ethiopia, from South-Sudan to India. The lockdown in many places has led to increasing vulnerabilities to people who are already living in difficult situations. These few voices speak for millions.
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  • COVID-19, Climate and Resilience

    08/07/2020 - COVID-19 amplifies the need to address poverty, vulnerability and inequality. In parallel Climate Change also affects those most in need. While addressing distinct challenges, the mechanisms to do so are remarkably similar, based in community resilience. Read this blog from Raimond Duijsens
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  • Can't take the heat - episode 1

    01/07/2020 - The Climate Centre has launched a new series of Podcasts where the biggest issues are being explored, where the climate meets people. This first episode is about heatwaves: Why Heatwaves are the Silent Killers of Disasters.
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  • PfR-supported farmers in Uganda better cope during lockdown period

    23/06/2020 - Farmers in Uganda’s Otuke district say climate smart agricultural supported by the Partners for Resilience programme has helped them to withstand the disruption caused by COVID-19 and the lockdown that followed the pandemic.
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  • Opportunity to Reshape Action to Multiple Risks with A Focus on Vulnerable People

    13/05/2020 - This crisis moment due to COVID-19 is an opportunity to rethink our response models, our relationship between people and planet and reshape our approach to risk management with special attention being paid to vulnerable groups, including women, children, the elderly, migrants, jobless, homeless, urban slum dwellers, and indigenous groups.
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  • Act now to build back the bond between people and nature

    06/05/2020 - Today we may survive by ‘breaking the chain’ of infection of COVID-19, but our future will be defined by our ability to build back a close bond with nature. Nature can no longer be taken for granted, and pandemics like this one are an indication of tipping points being reached across our planet.
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  • The devastating impact of floods in India—and what can be done

    01/05/2020 - India is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, with hydrological (water-related) disasters being among the most frequent and having high mortality and damage costs. Nature-based solutions offer some of the best ways to mitigate the impacts of flooding.
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  • Film release Guiuan, a resilient Island in the Philippines

    20/04/2020 - Partners for Resilience has supported Guiuan municipality in developing a resilience strategy, engaging Government, CSOs, NGOs, academe, fisherfolk, farmers and women’s groups. A new multi-stakeholder platform identifies common priorities for action, and people work together to tackle resilience priorities in their municipality.
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  • Film release: Voices of Manila Bay

    14/04/2020 - The current condition of Manila Bay is impacting people's livelihoods and is putting people at risk. The Bay is very polluted and plans are being made to turn Manila Bay back into the beautiful place it once was. People living in the area like to think along about possible solutions to improve the living conditions in the area.
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  • Dialogue and Dissent Strengthening the capacity of civil society to engage in dialogues with stakeholders for improved disaster risk reduction policies, practices, and investments.
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  • Up-scaling Eco-DRR Increasing communities resilience and reducing disaster risks through ecosystem-based solutions.
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