19/01/2021 - PfR exhibition at the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021
Climate change affects us all, but hits some of us harder than others. Africa is on the frontline of climate change, affecting food security, water availability and economic growth. Yet Africa is also home to the resourceful. Lots of innovative and creative solutions are being developed from the ground up, but more urgency, innovation, and scale is needed.
That is why the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021, hosted by the Netherlands Government on 25 and 26 January, aims to raise ambition and unlock action to accelerate adaptation in Africa. Together, across borders and sectors, we can unlock the enormous creativity of individuals, communities and businesses to develop adaptation solutions.
Watch this animation to hear what the CAS2021 is about. To join the climate adaptation summit, you can register here.
PfR’s exhibition “Faces of Resilience"
PfR’s exhibition ‘’Faces of Resilience: where will we be in 2030?" is part of the Climate Adaptation Summit. This special edition is organized in cooperation with the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
The exhibition highlights inspiring stories of individuals who play a major role in reducing the risk of disasters, adapting to climate change, coping with environmental degradation and even the COVID19 pandemic. Altogether, they depict that all over the World, resilience and adaptation require locally-led solutions and policy coherence.
The exhibition at the CAS2021 can be viewed online here.