08/02/2020 - PfR at the World Urban Forum 10

World Urban Forums are technical and non-legislative global meetings, convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat), once every two years since 2002. The United Nations General Assembly recognizes World Urban Forums as the main dialogue arena between policy makers, non-governmental organizations, experts and practitioners in the field of sustainable urban development. 

A particular discussion point will be the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (especially SDG 11-Cities) and UN Habitat’s New Urban Agenda. These major international commitments offer a framework for the international community to initiate sustainable solutions, build and manage cities. It is now time to implement them locally, utilizing World Urban Forums. More info here: https://wuf.unhabitat.org/

WUF10 will address key action areas, including:

  • Innovative financing mechanisms for sustainable cities;
  • Innovative urban solutions in housing, mobility, planning and governance;
  • Technology and data as enablers for sustainable cities;
  • Building human and social capital to build a sustainable urban future, with a special focus on youth and women;
  • Empowering cities as open investment platforms to harness an enabling business and regulatory environments; and
  • The impact of migration on cities.

Partners for Resileince is co-organising a networking event: "Spearheading the New Urban Agenda Through Community Engagement and Resilience".

Date & Time: Tuesday 11th February 2020 14:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs.

Venue: Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center- ADNEC, Room number 17 Hall 3.

This event will take a deep dive into approaches and cases from the field, research and practical insights, identifying the gaps in knowledge and highlighting innovative approaches to people-centred resilient cities initiatives. By the end of the session we will have developed actionable recommendations for different policy, practice and urban networks on navigating urban policy-making with a ‘pro poor’ and inclusive lens.

PfR urges for the following factors to be central to dialogues at the WUF10 & in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda:

  • People and communities at risk of disasters should be central partners in urban planning and design.
  • PfR applies an integrated risk management approach, ensuring communities are empowered to lead/ take decisions.
  • Promote responsible investments in urban areas
  • Local Financing for Local Action
  • Partnerships are crucial to resilience building and sustainable urban development
  • Ecosystem-based solutions are key to sustainable urban design and risk reduction
  • The New Urban Agenda resonates with resilience ambitions and commitments in all post-2015 key international policy agreements – they all need action on the ground

For further reading on Partners for Resilience at the World Urban Forum, click here 




  • Dialogue and Dissent Strengthening the capacity of civil society to engage in dialogues with stakeholders for improved disaster risk reduction policies, practices, and investments.
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  • Up-scaling Eco-DRR Increasing communities resilience and reducing disaster risks through ecosystem-based solutions.
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