05/09/2018 - Risk management pilot gives hope to Kinatarkan Islanders and beyond
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"The first fruits of Integrated Risk Management” said Baltazar Tribulano Jr, Head of Cebu Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office.
What was intended to be a debrief of the island’s first harvest festival, transformed organically into a platform of stakeholders so moved by what they witnessed that morning, that they spontaneously made suggestions and even commitments on how to strengthen the gains experienced by the islanders, and replicate them in neighbouring islands.
It all began when Baltazar Tribulano Jr, the head of the Cebu Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and Anat Prag, head of Cordaid Philippines – collaborators of a pilot Integrated Risk Management project to address acute water shortages and dwindling livelihoods on Kinatarkan, and which culminated in the harvest festival - decided to have an impromptu post-mortem on the event along with invited guests.
Mr Tribulano prompted the wave of enthusiasm earlier in the day. In his rousing address to the throng of islanders gathered at the festival launch, he described the bounty of vegetables, fruits and crops recently harvested by the community and on display at the festival, as the “first fruits” of IRM. Integrated Risk Management (IRM) – a holistic approach towards preparing for and reducing disaster risks, and related drivers such as climate change and environmental degradation – is the crucial element of the pilot project in Kinatarkan.
Read the full story here