09/05/2018 - PfR actively engaged in Climate Change Conference
This was the topic of one of the technical meetings held at the Climate Change Conference, currently being held in Bonn. The Partners for Resilience are actively engaged in various expert meetings.
This year’s Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation was co-organized by PfR alliance member Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Climate Centre. Marie-Jose Vervest from Wetlands International was one of the panellists in the meeting on “adaptation planning for vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems.”
Marie-Jose called for greater adoption of wetland targets in the NDCs / NAP’s to meet climate & water challenges. By improving wetland inventories & opportunity mapping one can find out where best to invest in wetlands as adaptation hotspots in the landscape (e.g. catchment). She emphasised how wetlands provide excellent regulatory and provisioning services which are needed for climate adaptation.
Furthermore she stressed that 'Multi-stakeholder Water Dialogues’ are a way to find synergies and greater inter-sectoral collaboration on water, wetlands and land use for climate-resilient development. Green & grey infrastructure can complement each other very well !