03/11/2017 - COP23, PfR side event Monday 6 November

Abstract: Without significant investment to improve the resilience of cities around the world, climate change may push up to 77 million urban residents into poverty by 2030. Globally, only 16% of the finances is spent on adaptation to growing impacts, while 84% is for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. From adaptation funds only 8% goes to vulnerable communities. How can we scale-up and bolster finance for approaches to enhance community resilience? And how can we take community resilience to scale through coherent sectorial planning, policy coherence and aligning landscape, ecosystem and climate-smart DRR approaches? This interactive side event will bring together best practices, innovative business models, and success factors for up-scaling.




  • Dialogue and Dissent Strengthening the capacity of civil society to engage in dialogues with stakeholders for improved disaster risk reduction policies, practices, and investments.
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  • Up-scaling Eco-DRR Increasing communities resilience and reducing disaster risks through ecosystem-based solutions.
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