15/12/2022 - Increased food security in Haiti

This case study highlights Eco-DRR interventions in Haiti focused on ecosystem restoration and protection in 3 municipalities: Chardonnieres, Les Anglais, and Tiburon in the South district of Haiti. The key risks being addressed within this context are fooding, landslides and food insecurity. To address this, the project aims to strengthen community resilience to disasters and climate change, through the adoption of demonstrated best practices by farmers and landowners in three municipalities. Specifcally, the project seeks to strengthen integrated risk management and inclusive risk governance by supporting development and scaling up of EcoDRR actions and citizen-based monitoring of disaster and climate resilient policies and practices and mainstreaming youth engagement and gender considerations.

A model for upscaling community resilience has been developed through three core components of Eco-DRR: Ecosystem Restoration/Protection, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Smart Livelihoods. In Haiti, there is a greater emphasis on ecosystem restoration and climate smart livelihoods, by combining slope restoration and watershed protection with staple crop cultivation to address chronic food insecurity. The project further addresses food, landslide and food insecurity risks through risk mapping, slope and watershed restoration and livelihoods diversifcation by upscaling Eco-DRR into humanitarian programmes of Red Cross Societies in Haiti. Under capacity building, Community-based organisations were established and actively engaged in ecosystem restoration, women groups were trained and engaged in vegetable gardening for livelihood strengthening, among other activities. In terms of advocacy, local authorities actively participated in programme activities through training and implementation of community Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments. An estimated 9,211 benefciaries were reached through the project of which 37 percent were women.

Find here more information: case studyresults sheetsuccess storycost-benefit analysisvideo




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