PfR Newsletter, autumn 2020

Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis
Celebrating 10 years of PfR
Dear <<Full name>>,

This newsletter comes at a time that COVID-19 keeps continuing to disrupt the world. Meanwhile, 2020 is well underway to become another year of devastating typhoons, hurricanes, locust invasions and droughts, affecting especially the most vulnerable communities – on top of a global pandemic. COVID-19 shows how interconnected our world is, and no single event can be seen or explained in isolation anymore. This enlarges the complexity, while also provides opportunities to change from ‘business as usual’ to ‘building back better’.
This connectivity, with inspiring examples of change, was among others displayed at the PfR Global Conference on November 11th and 12th, where PfR celebrated ten years of working together. 150+ participants from all over the world connected and joined 25 sessions of ‘Passing the Baton’ - a show of force of strengthened capacities and local leadership across partners and countries. The diversity of subjects is a testimony to the impact made: from local action to national policy, from inclusion to climate adaptation, from ecosystem restoration to conflict resolution.
We have lived up to ‘Passing the Baton’ as illustrated through this video. More importantly, we will continue to let this theme inspire us. Passing on knowledge, skills, experiences, lessons learned and partnerships. Partners for Resilience has never been just a programme; it continues as a vision.
This newsletter is full of new achievements and exciting media. Too much to name, but please pay special attention to the excellent videos and evidence created over the past months, e.g. the animation explaining the integrated risk management approach, the flagship report Local Action, Global Ambition,  and the Now You Hear Us videos.
We invite you to subscribe to this newsletter, and in doing so, support us to expand the network of change-makers. Happy reading and stay healthy!
Maren Striker, Global Coordinator Partners for Resilience
Road to the Climate Adaptation Summit
On the road to the Climate Adaptation Summit in January 2021, 2020 is not only the year to celebrate the 5 years of progress on the global frameworks (Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction, Paris climate agreement, New Urban Agenda, and the 2030 sustainable development goals); it is also the year of adaptation to catalyse action and ambition. On Thursday October 22, PfR organized a session "On the Road to CAS" event, zooming in on the following question: "what change do we need to integrate the adaptation needs of vulnerable communities?"

‘On the Road to CAS’ is a series of interactive webinars focusing on how the Netherlands is adapting to climate change, with specific attention to nature based solutions. While the other sessions of the event mainly focused on adaptation efforts in the Netherlands, PfR broadened the focus to ‘look beyond our dikes’, and brought different perspectives on the change we need to better integrate vulnerable communities around the world. Examples of good practice were shared, as well as suggestions on what leverage we have to scale these practices and accelerate change.

Missed the event? It has been recorded and you can watch the session on CASTV.
COVID-19's impact on resilience
Around the world people adapt to COVID-19. We are not all in this together; we are in very different environments. Some people are forced to be more resilient than others. Communities have solutions, and must be heard. When voices have the power to be heard, change sparks! Four videos have been made showing how people around the world are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they deal with this new reality.
New videos: "Now You Hear Us"
Four new short videos “Now You Hear Us” show how community members, civil society actors and decision makers work together towards positive change. They narrate how support to civil society organisations strengthens communities’ voices and fosters successful advocacy with tangible results. When their actions are amplified and skills are honed, people can voice their concerns and participate in development processes.
Integrated risk management explained
Fighting against climate change is not simple. PfR contributes to the resilience of communities by integrating climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and restoration into disaster risk reduction. With this integrated risk management approach, communities strengthen their capacities to reduce the impact of disasters. 
Sounds complex? Enjoy watching an easy explanation of integrated risk management through this animation.
PfR's flagship report: "Local Action, Global Ambition"
PfR's report "local action, global ambition" shows the major results achieved in ten years of working together, specifically in the past five years under the programme Dialogue & Dissent, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It shows impact, successes, and lessons, and gives recommendations based on PfR's work on community resilience and capacity strengthening of civil society organizations on influencing policies, practices and investments.
External evaluation of PfR
"The PfR programme was found highly relevant and of added value", according to the external evaluation team of ECDPM. PfR has been successful in strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations, achieving meaningful results in terms of improved policies and enhanced practices, thereby making communities resilient in the face of increasing disaster risk. The programme balanced coherence and diversity, allowing PfR to respond to different local contexts. The external end evaluation covered the Dialogue & Dissent programme, 2016-2020, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
City heatwave guide 
In the midst of record-breaking heat in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe, the IFRC and the Climate Centre released their new "City Heatwave Guide", which is a document that builds on the Heatwave Guide for Cities released in 2019. The document is tailored towards practical actions in preparing for, and responding to, heatwaves in towns and cities. An appendix comprising a checklist on heat danger and COVID-19 to accompany the guide has been published, as well as a ‘Compendium guide - Heat and Environmental Issues: Urban Wetlands
Resilience building and conflict
Conflicts and violence form part of the realities PfR seeks to change, however, PfR does not address these specifically. How is PfR's work affected by conflict? How could PfR address conflict and violence? To answer these questions, the International Institute of Social Studies, the Hague conducted a research, with this report as result. It is based on a qualitative analysis of the experiences from the ongoing PfR programme. It highlights main findings and provides recommendations for future conflict-sensitive programming.
PfR library
The PfR library is a repository of resources on integrated risk management from Africa, Asia and Central America. It provides open access to the public to search for and download resources  without the need to sign up for an account. However, if you do sign up for an account then you get access to more advanced features, like being able to create your own collections of resources. Feel free to register - it is easy, free, and gives you access to many resources.
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e5da1a75-97ba-4683-87d1-f7dd6f3dc4e2.png The Netherlands Red Cross contact
070 - 44 55 678
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Fri 08:30-18:00
Sat 10:00-16:00
ad3121e6-6ef9-460a-83f0-4ed95087f0c5.png The Netherlands Red Cross HQ
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